вторник, 29 ноября 2016 г.

"Jurassic newcomer"

October 23, I visited the exhibition "Jurassic newcomer" in the Krasnoyarsk regional museum.
Fossil fragments of ancient animals found in Berezovsky coal mine, photos and films about the excavations of paleontologists.

The greatest attention is attracted by a unique exhibit - a stegosaurus skeleton, found in the Krasnoyarsk region, Berezovsky coal mine, near the town of Sharypovo. According to experts, the age of a Stegosaurus skeleton - more than 165 million years, and, to date, is the only skeleton of Stegosaurus in Russia. Group of paleontologists led by Sergei Krasnolutsky over 8 years unearthed and glued bones of herbivorous dinosaur that lived in the Late Jurassic period. At the exhibition visitors will see and Stegosaurus layout in natural size.

Stegosaurus presented in the museum, is one of the most ancient Stegosaurus known in the fossil record of the world, and belongs probably to a new species.

The wealth of fossils of Middle Berezovsky unparalleled career in Russia. During his study of bones and teeth are large sauropods have been found, two-legged predators tirannozavroidov, Stegosaurus, ornithopods and many other ancient animals - turtles, salamanders, fish, pterosaurs, crocodiles.

It is worth noting the excellent organization of the exhibition:
1) The bright, spacious rooms.
2) A qualified supervisor, who told interesting about each exhibit.
3) interesting summaries to each exhibit.

 Among the few drawbacks is worth noting a lot of noise because of the children. Despite the fact that the recommended age for visits  is 12+ . There were lots of children aged 5 years and younger. This is a parents mistake  to take a young child to an exhibition that he was not interested.

Overall, I am very impressed. I really liked the exhibition, I learned a lot.

воскресенье, 27 ноября 2016 г.

TOP-10 places in Siberia

1.Lake Baikal
The vast blue sea, the deepest and more worlds fresh water storage. The real pride of Russia, which embodies its vast expanses and amazing natural beauty. By area Baikal comparable with Belgium. Any foreigner, listing Russian sights he knows, together with St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow Kremlin, Peterhof and Kamchatka volcanoes necessarily remember Baikal - the pearl of Eastern Siberia. The flora and fauna of one of the oldest lakes in the world is endemic to two-thirds. Baikal is one of the 25 Russian objects of UNESCO in 2008, is recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of Russia.

2.Novosibirsk Zoo

One of the largest zoos in the country. It contains about 11,000 species of animals representing over 700 species, hundreds of which are included in the international and national Red Data Books. The zoo is located in a pine forest, covers an area of ​​60 hectares, is building a dolphinarium and pingvinariya. The history of the Novosibirsk Zoo starts in 1933 with the gradual expansion of the small city Agrobiostantsii. Zoo has become the symbol of snow leopard (Snow Leopard) - amazing beauty and grace feline. Later he added ligation - a representative of the weasel. Here assembled one of the world's finest collections of representatives of these families.

3.The Rock Pillars Of Krasnoyarsk Stolby Nature Reserve
Reserve Krasnoyarsk Pillars is located in the north-western spurs of the Eastern Sayan. There are about a hundred rock rests, the maximum height of which does not exceed 600 meters. Stone hills are of volcanic origin. They appeared 450 million years ago, when the red-hot magma, unable to break through to the surface, producing layers of limestone and sandstone. Soft rock gradually crumbled and washed away by rain. Only the hard core rock - modern pillars. Each of them has its own name. Poles are very popular with climbers and fans of outdoor activities.

4.Tomskaya Pisanitsa Museum
Historical-cultural and natural museum-reserve "Tomsk pisanitsa" was created in 1988. Today, it includes a number of interesting exhibitions: Slavic mythological forest Museum of Rock Art Asia, Chapel of Saints Cyril and Methodius, and Arheodrom Pavilion burials, Mongolian yurt and others. But the main object is, of course, the ancient sanctuary of Tomsk pisanitsa - mottled rock art group of rocks on the right bank of the river Tom. The drawings, first discovered more than 300 years ago, belong to the IV-I millennium BC

5.Pine forests tape
forest strip width of 5 to 40 kilometers stretching along the rivers distributed mainly in the south of Western Siberia. They have great soil conservation value, restrain sandstorms coming from Kazakhstan, and form the optimal climate for human and animal waste. The names of the pine belt pine forests, usually in tune with the names of rivers, along which they grow. Unfortunately, in recent years, due to lack of adequate forest protection relic tape pine forests often suffer from fires.

6.Fortress Por-Bajin on Lake Tere-Khol
On conservation area Ubsunur basin is the only freshwater lake Tere-Khol, it is located in the mountains at an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level. On the island in the middle of the lake with respect to the ruins of an ancient fortress well preserved. In Tuvan language Por-Bajin means "clay house." The buildings date from the mid 18th century. They were built on the orders of Eletmish Bilge Kagan, after the conquest of the territory of modern Tuva. The walls of the fortress reached a height of 10 meters, a large palace located in the heart. Ancient monument has a complex architecture, intricate maze of buildings and structures. On the shore, where the archaeological field camp, the island is connected to the bridge pile 1.3 kilometers long.

7.Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP
The highest dam in Russia and one of the highest in the world, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station in seventh place in terms of installed capacity among the existing hydropower plants of the world and the first in Russia. The shock Komsomol construction began in 1963. At the beginning of the input units in 1978 at its 1700 volunteers were employed. The width of the base of the dam 105.7 meters on the ridge - 25 meters. The height of 245 meters, the crest length of 1074 meters. HPP is located on the Yenisei River near Sayanogorsk. August 17, 2009 at the hydroelectric power station there was a major accident, which killed 75 people.

8.Tunguska event
The Tunguska event was a large explosion that occurred near the Stony Tunguska River, in Yeniseysk Governorate (now Krasnoyarsk Krai), on the morning of 30 June 1908. The Tunguska event is the largest impact event on Earth in recorded history.

9.Yenisei River

River of central Russia, one of the longest rivers in Asia. The Yenisey runs from south to north across the great expanse of central Siberia.It flows into the Kara Sea of the Arctic Ocean. Length - 3487 km 
10."Kuznetsk fortress"Museum 
Construction of a full-fledged military fortress on the site of chopped prison was started in 1800 by order of Emperor Paul I. The construction was carried out for 20 years. Defensive structures were designed to protect South Siberia to the Chinese threat. The area of ​​the Kuznetsk fortress was 2.5 hectares. It is strange that the end of the 30s of the 19th century it lost its strategic importance, and in 1846 and was removed from all the military balance. fortress premises were used for prison detention. In 1919, the prison fortress captured guerrillas have destroyed part of the fortifications, wooden buildings burned. Today, the museum operates in the Kuznetsk fortress.

пятница, 25 ноября 2016 г.

IT-COM 2016

From 13 to 15 October, I visited XIV specialized exhibition-forum «itCOM - Information technology. Telecommunications ". This is an annual platform to showcase the latest achievements in the field of IT and have been invited to participate svyazi.K companies engaged in the field of telecommunications and information technologies: operators, manufacturers and dealers of applications and services, information systems, software, information protection and data management systems, user devices, and more. This exhibition is thematically divided into three blocks:

- telecommunications business;
- Business Information Technology;
- IT and Telecommunications for home and rest.

in 2016 the exhibition gathered more than 70 participants from different regions of Russia, CIS countries and China.

We add that the exhibition provided information and entertainment for the guests: the presentation of new gadgets championships in online games, promotions and sweepstakes prizes from participating companies.

Instruction #2

Next Funny instruction is How to walk with dog :D

среда, 23 ноября 2016 г.

Instruction: How to get to classes in English

To start, go the road, then go through the gray fence in front of you is a brick building, go there, go down the protruding steps, walk up to the building, go up the steps, open the door, go inside, go through the turnstiles, turn left and go to the end on corridor, then turn right in front of you is a ladder, go down the stairs to the floor below, immediately after the stairs, turn left in front of you will be the blue corridor, go to the first door in the corridor.
I add a little plan for better understanding)

And i add 2nd INstruction How to do econometry:
