пятница, 25 ноября 2016 г.

IT-COM 2016

From 13 to 15 October, I visited XIV specialized exhibition-forum «itCOM - Information technology. Telecommunications ". This is an annual platform to showcase the latest achievements in the field of IT and have been invited to participate svyazi.K companies engaged in the field of telecommunications and information technologies: operators, manufacturers and dealers of applications and services, information systems, software, information protection and data management systems, user devices, and more. This exhibition is thematically divided into three blocks:

- telecommunications business;
- Business Information Technology;
- IT and Telecommunications for home and rest.

in 2016 the exhibition gathered more than 70 participants from different regions of Russia, CIS countries and China.

We add that the exhibition provided information and entertainment for the guests: the presentation of new gadgets championships in online games, promotions and sweepstakes prizes from participating companies.

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