понедельник, 12 декабря 2016 г.

3rd Part: Enets people and Tofalar.

Enets (self encho, Moghadam, PEBA, outdated Yenisey Samoyeds) - one of the small indigenous peoples of Russian Samoyed. In 2010, the number of Ents in Russia amounted to 227 persons (in 2002 - 237 persons). Believers - the Orthodox, partly preserved and traditional beliefs, which included the veneration of the elements of nature: earth, sun, fire and water. According to the language and culture close Nganasan and Nenets.

In 2002, according to the census, the number of Ents in the Russian Federation amounted to 237 people, including 213 people. - In the Krasnoyarsk region, mainly in the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets region (. 197 people, of whom owned Enets language 66 persons (33.5%).).

The greatest number of Ents (86) in 2002, lived in the village of Potapovo, where forest Enets live. Tundra Enets live mainly in the village Vorontsovo; the population of both towns is a multinational.

In addition, the Enets live in Dudinka area village Ust-Avam et al. In the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets Autonomous District, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Some Enets live in Dudinka (Taimyr), some - together with Nganasans elsewhere Taimyr.

Tundra Enets (Hantayskom Samoyeds), dresses in tribute Khantayskoye cabin, accounted for approximately two-thirds of the number of people. In the summer they roamed the tundra between the Yenisei River and Puroy, migrate south in the winter in the forest between the river and the lake Small Heta Pyasino. This group consisted of several large tribal unions (somatic, Bai, Muggadi or Moghadam) and had a self-somatic oneyenneche. Others called them Enets Madu (on his wife's relatives).

Forest Enets (Karasinski Samoyeds) paid tribute to Karasinski cabin and constantly wandering in the forest area between Igarka and Dudinka. It is composed of tribal groups Yuchi, Muggadi (lower part) and a number of family groups Bai. Ethnographic specificity of these groups are largely lost and they were regarded as purely territorial divisions.

Until the mid XX century Enets language was considered a dialect of the Nenets; in the censuses of 1959 and 1979 Enets not considered a separate ethnic group, and they recorded the Nenets and Nganasan. Enets language belongs to the Samoyedic languages, with the closest he Nenets language, which is separated from the 1,5 - 1 thousand years ago.; then there has been a rapprochement with the secondary contact Nganasan
According to the 2002 census, the Enets language is owned by 116 people in Russia. (As among the Ents, and among other peoples of the country - 49% of the conventionally Ents in Russia) and the Ukraine on the 2001 census of 26 Enets relatives recognized their language 18 people. (69%)

Economy and Life
The basis of the economic structure Enets make homemade reindeer herding, hunting wild reindeer, trapping and fishing. When hunting deer Enets used bow and trap nets, the extraction of fur-bearing animals, they used "mouth" - traps of pressing type
Main dwelling Enets - a conical tent close to the Nenets, but are smaller cover-nuke (so to cover the plague entsam nuke required four, rather than two, as in the Nenets plague). Winter housing served nartyanoy tent - similar in design to the Dolgan, but which had a door on the left side. Traditional clothes complex Enets two ethno-territorial groups varies: in Forest Enets There was widespread Nenets clothes, while tundra Enets clothes complex is more similar to the Nganasan: the basis lying park (deaf men and swing for women), which consisted of two coats - bottom (with the fur outside, reached to the knee) and the top (with the fur inside and longer); Both coats were made of reindeer skin, and at the hem made of dog fur edging. Men's pants complement the park and women - overalls. Currently Enets supplement clothes completely out of use.

Beliefs and rituals.
Although forest Enets were formally converted to Orthodox Christianity, in both groups remained Enets cult phenomena of nature and the worship of the spirits of the local host, which sacrifices (reindeer meat, pieces of cloth, money). In the pantheon of a dominant position occupied Dyuba-nga (which gave people a deer) and his mother Ax-menu ( "Mother Earth").

According to ethnographic research in antiquity Enets practiced ritual burial air

Tofalar (The former name - Karagas, self - tofa, Tofa, stamp, Toja) - Indigenous Peoples of Russia in eastern Siberia.

Tofalars (Тофалары, тофа (tofa) in Russian; formerly known as карагасы, or karagas), or the "Tofa people", are a Turkic people in the Irkutsk Oblast in Russia. Their origins, Tofa language, and culture are close to those of the eastern Tuvans-Todzhins. Before the 1917 October Coup, the Tofalars used to be engaged in nomadic, living in the taiga; they engaged in reindeer husbandry and hunting. 
Residing in the territory Tofalaria, south-western part of the Nizhneudinsk district, Irkutsk region, in the basins of rivers Biryusa, Uda, Kan Gutara, Yee and others in the north-eastern slopes of the Eastern Sayan.

Today Tofalars live mainly in three organized by the Soviet authorities in 1920-1930-ies Alygdzher populated areas, upper Gutara and Nerja, which were forcibly transferred to the sedentary and settled with the Russian-speaking immigrants. These Villages are located in the heart of Tofalaria. Getting there is possible only by helicopter and contact by radio.

It is noteworthy that, since the end of the XVII century (from the beginning of the appearance of statements about the collection and distribution of tribute) and to 1925 (prior to the dramatic changes in tofov life), their numbers remained virtually unchanged and ranged from 400-500 people. Such a small number of single people is amazing. Never in the annals nor historical data is no indication of any mass mortality. Apparently, the Russian came in Sayan, has caught the people in a state close to the modern, and the reduction in their numbers occurred long before the conquest of Siberia.

The number of 2010 - 762 people.

The number of Tofa in settlements in 2002
Irkutsk region:
village Upper Gutara - 262
Alygdzher village - 248
Village Nerja - 144
Novosibirsk region - 3

For the first time referred to as Tofs Dubo tribe (tuba, tuvo) in the Chinese annals Veyskoy Dynasty V century as the people who lived east of the Yenisei. They were of various tributaries of the Central Empires.
In the XVII century Tofalariya joined the Moscow state, becoming a border area with China. After 1757 when Tuva became part of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Tofalariya remained in the Russian Empire, experiencing significant administrative and cultural (verbal and household level) impact on the Russian side. Administration was created Udi bit of land with five ulus in its composition. For Tofalars installed tribute fur and meat, some years was fixed and not dependent on natural conditions, and the actual number of hunters. The exact number of people at the time of the first statistical data (1851) is difficult to judge.

In public life Tofalars (until the October Revolution of 1917) were of great importance annual (sometimes every 2 years) the December meeting of tofov - Suglana (from drill suglaan -. Assembly) - for the election of officers.

By the early twentieth century in the environment Tofalars remained significant signs of tribal structure, in particular, the division into 5 patrilineal birth (Kas, Sarig-Kas, chogdy, Kara chogdy and Cheptey, experts found that the earlier these genera was 8) and patronymic group between which divided the territory for kochёvok and fishing grounds. Since the end of the XIX century due to the impoverishment of forests fur-bearing animals such redistributions became an annual event.

In 1939, as part of the Irkutsk Oblast, RSFSR Tofalar national area with the center in the village Alygdzher was organized, but in 1950 it was abolished, and instead there were two Tofalar village council - Tofalar, with center Alygdzher and Upper Gutarsky centered in the village of Upper Gutara, composed Nizhneudinsk district of the Irkutsk region.

Tofalar language belongs to the group of Sayan vostochnotyurkskih languages. According to Census 2002, in the Irkutsk region of 723 Tofalars native language owned 114 people. (16%), Russian - all 723 people. (100 %). For Tofalar language developed written language, published a primer and manuals.

Tofalar language could disappear and remain unexplored white spot. In 1990 he begins to study their native language in kindergartens and schools Tofalaria. But at the moment, despite the creation of Tofalar writing, attempts to organize the study Tofalar language in elementary school, attempts to revive the national traditions and rituals, generally aimed at protecting and preserving Tofalar language and culture, social functions and social base Tofalar language continues to decline. All these factors indicate that Tofalar language can be attributed to the category of endangered languages.

Economy and life.
With a basis of economic activities hunting and reindeer herding, Tofalars led a nomadic or semi-nomadic. By the end of the 1920s, they still roamed the Sayan mountain taiga, in the course of its historical development have created a unique material and spiritual culture, well reflects the business activities and allow them to adapt to the most severe taiga nomadic life.

The basis of traditional economy Tofalars was hunting (squirrel, sable, otter, beaver, fox, elk, red deer, roe deer, etc.), Combined with reindeer. They are excellent pathfinders. The ability to read a book taiga passed down from generation to generation. However, the Soviet period left an indelible mark on the fate of the people, deprived of their native tofov economy and lifestyle. 
Since 1930, they fall under the influence of the state of economic processes and projects of the new government, which primarily impacted significantly on previous forms of management and unique culture. Before that Karagas able to maintain and build a culture of nomadic form of economic activity.

During the Soviet era in the life of Tofa took a radical turn. That's when they left her nomadic lifestyle and moved to sedentary life of nomadic reindeer herders to individual farming they have become members of the collective and labor collectives. From the first years of Soviet rule, and she came to him in the early 1920s, began to take up the Tofs socialist culture. They have occurred fundamental changes in the forms of farming. Participating as members of collective farms run by collective farms, they have mastered new kinds of labor for them: horticulture, breeding of cows and pigs, hay, rural way of firewood. Subsequently mastered the technique: outboard motors, motorcycles, tractors and cars, have mastered industrial logging, its processing in sawmills, learned to make on the spot and fired brick, burn lime, carpentry, putting furnace, plaster and whitewash at home.

At the same time preserve the traditional Tofalars individual economic activities in the field of fisheries taiga: hunting, fishing, production of pine nuts, and preserved the skills in the conduct of reindeer husbandry.

As a result of strong atheistic propaganda of the 1930s gradually Tofs away from shamanism. To join the new to them sedentary culture, including in the domestic sphere, they at the same time have lost many of the features of their traditional household and spiritual culture that served the old nomadic life. From the national traditional culture they were only the skills of reindeer and horse breeding, crafts and skills taiga their language, which has become more and more displaced from use of the Russian language. Actually gone national clothes and food, both traditional tent dwelling, because even in the forest and deer herds are no longer put the plague, replacing their huts, they began to wear on weekdays and on holidays the purchase ready-made clothes, cook of the purchased products. They began to make wedding and arrange the wedding in the country according to generally accepted standards, to bury their dead according to Christian riteHowever, this new way of life and culture are as yet in its infancy.

Traditionally Tofalars are semi-nomadic people. The main occupations were hunting and fishing, the northern groups and transhumance herding, mainly the transport direction.

The traditional dwelling was Tofalars tent conical shape, made of poles, covered in winter rovduga (chamois leather from the skins of red deer or elk) in the summer - with birch bark. Chum was divided into female (on the right from the entrance) and male (left) half.

Nomad camp typically employs between 2 and 5 tents in the summer - to 10. Since the beginning of the XIX century have spread among Tofalars log houses.

Menswear represented pants of skin musk deer or goat (in the summer of rovduga purchase or tissue) and a variety of caftans with buckle on the right side, who put on his naked body, and a belt. Already in the XIX century, moved to a unified suit Russian Siberians, keeping national features in detail (right-fasteners, trim, belts). Tofalar female outfit consists of pants and a dress with a cut on his chest, and waist. Traditional women's jewelry - earrings, bracelets and rings pewter. Tofalars winter wear coats of deerskin fur inside. Specific are hats in summer - felt hat Manchu type (but usually without a brush; later it replaced the cap), in the winter - fur hats with earflaps that tie under his chin.

The basis Tofalars diet was meat, including venison and venison; rye bread, baked in the ashes or on the rocks; as condiments and applications - multiple roots and wild plants (wild onion, wild garlic, berries, pine nuts, etc...). Due to the payment of heavy taxes, the food was quite poor in some years. Both among men and women was widespread smoking.

In Tofalars rich oral folklore - proverbs, tales, legends and stories.

Traditional beliefs include animism, shamanism and totemism.

Through the efforts of Orthodox missionaries in the late nineteenth century of the Tofa it was converted to the Christian faith. Currently, efforts Irkutsk diocese ROC to conduct missionary work Tofalaria. Thus, in February 2007, more than 100 people were baptized.

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