среда, 19 октября 2016 г.

Can men and woman ever be just friends?

Today im watched a perfect film 'When Harry Met Sally'. This film about the big question 'Can men and woman ever be just friends?' and the spoiler answer 'No, they cant :D'
Throughout the film, we can see how changing nature of the main characters and their relationship to life.


Sally takes the thought process very seriously. She uses her deliberate way of thinking to handle everything from heartache to everyday, practical matters:
'I have this all figured out. It’s an eighteen hour trip, which breaks down to six shifts of three hours each. Or, alternatively, we could break it down by mileage. There’s a map on the visor, I’ve marked it to show the locations where we can change shifts.'
Sally strictly adheres to her own code of propriety. As an example, when Harry offers Sally a grape she refuses, informing him she never eats between meals. Sally foregoes marriage to Joe to avoid certain future consequences such as a non-existent sex life.

Sally attempts to control all aspects of her life, even when ordering dessert, which drives Harry crazy:
Sally:  You know what I’d like is the apple pie a la mode…But I’d like the pie heated, and I don’t want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side. And I’d like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it. If not, then no ice cream, just whipped cream, but only if it’s real. If it’s out of the can then nothing.
Waitress:  Not even the pie?
Sally:  No, just the pie. But then not heated.

As the waitress leaves, Harry stares in disbelief at Sally.
Sally takes certain measures to protect herself from hurt. Although she thinks this strategy is the best thing for her, she is undermining her chance at happiness:
Sally:  I’ve experienced my loss. I’ve had my mourning period. I’m done with it.
Harry:  What mourning period? One hour in Bloomingdale’s. You bought a pocketbook and heartbreak flew right out the window.  If you’re so over Joe why haven’t you been seeing anyone?

Sally is precise individual. She neatly organized her environment and emotions. It is when she comes up against Harry that she finally learns to let her proverbial hair down.


During the course of the story, all the while discussing his conflicts, Harry is active.  He participates in “the wave” at a football game while confessing his troubles to Jess; power walks; practices his swing at the batting cages; and so forth.
Harry’s style is to confront issues head on. He is not always tactful, but he is always honest.
Harry’s attitude when confronting an issue is to blurt out what he is thinking or feeling and “let the chips fall where they may.”

Harry is most sensitive to the thematic concerns of approach vs. attitude, especially in the area of male and female relationships. As an example, after his chance encounter with his ex-wife he tries to convince Jess and Marie (who have just moved in with each other) to prepare for a possible break up:
Harry:  (shouting now) I mean it. Put your name in your books. Now, while you’re unpacking them, before they get all mixed up together and you can’t remember whose is whose. Because someday, believe it or not, you’re going to be fighting over who’s going to get this coffee table, this stupid wagon wheel coffee table. 

Harry’s reasoning that men and women cannot be both friends and lovers causes problems for him. His wife, who he loved, but married because he was tired of “the whole life-of-a-single-guy thing” leaves him, and his true best friend gives up on him after he explains to her their night of lovemaking was a mistake, “I’m not saying it didn’t mean anything, I’m just saying why does it have to mean everything

Harry follows the logical steps of college, law school, career, and marriage. When his wife leaves him, he cruises through love-em and leave-em one-night stands while he slowly develops a truly intimate relationship with his best (girl) friend.
Harry has always been a logical person, and up until meeting Sally, his logic has always worked for him, especially in the area of romance:
Sally:  Amanda mentioned you had a dark side.
Harry:  (pleased with himself) That’s what drew her to me…when I get a new book, I read the last page first. That way, if I die before I finish I know how it comes out…
Sally:  (irritated now) It doesn’t mean you’re deep or anything.

суббота, 15 октября 2016 г.

~Project idea~

I think Project its a really cool thing, that can help u to realize ur hidden possibilities and creative potential ;3
My project 'Places you must visit in Krasnoyarsk.Instruction for foreigners'. Lets imagine, that u have a friend, who comes to Krasnoyarsk. Where u go together? What u will eat and where?( i mean cafe, restaurants and etc.) And maybe u should tell him about the culture of our city? So my project can help to answer on these questions.
I hope my Project will be really interesting and cool like I imagine that on my mind :D

среда, 12 октября 2016 г.


Today i completed 3 socionic tests( i should complete only 2 but 2nd test was very stupid C:) for understand my socionic type. I should also say that i passed similar tests be4, coz im rly interested in socionic for a long time.
Well, it was no rly easy for me this time, coz i feel myself like teenager whos dont understand himself ;\ I dont really like when someone cant understand me but much than that i dont like when i cant understand myself. 
I was absolutely sure that im ENTP( and im still sure), but tests said 'we dont care' :D
Let's start in order.
So 1st (http://socionictest.net/Default.aspx)  test on Rus lang was absolutely wrooong, it has rly stupid questions. For exaple question has 3 answer: 1 and 2 has some characteristics and 3 its 'skip question', so i cant answer 1 or 2 coz i have or havent both characteristics and then i press just 'skip skip skip'...It makes me rly sad, coz it looked like i dont understand myself :| So, results: ISFP (260), ESFP (245) and ESFJ (240). 1st litter "I"? Really? Its absolutely wrong - that all hat i can say ;\
Next test was on Eng lang (http://www.mba-institute.org/personality-test/Myers-Briggs-MBTI-Personality-Types.php?MBTI-Personality-Type=ESTP-Entrepreneur) And result: im ESTP - Entrepreneur. So this is closer to reality. The most correct paragraph is "ESTPs are strong in the art of living. They get a lot of fun out of life, which makes them good company They enjoy their material possessions and take the time to acquire them. They find much enjoyment in good food, clothes, music, and art. They enjoy physical exercise and sports, and usually are good at these." 
And the last test, that i passed was http://socionika.info/test.html I pass this test evert year for check changing. And i check it again today and my result is: ENTP( Дон Кихот) and i can say that this test said trueness much than 85%. So its true, its absolutely true, but i cant say more because i think that Internet its not the best place for publication of  correct test results. I dont want strangers reading this, know that I have inside. Its my position. I make the analyze of results in my head and i think its enough :)

Hey guys! 🖐🏻
This is Alina, 19y.o, and im looking for a travel companions for adventure! ✈️
This winter i planing to treavel to Malaysia and i want to have big company, with which i will spend my time very funny! 🎉👯
I love extreme sport, extreme rests and partyes, so i find a peoples who will be tolerate to my interestings. 
I`m rly love seafood🦀🐟 (its the reason that i choose Malaysia 😂), so we will eat seafood 27/7 ha-ha, and ye, you should know that i like alcohol🍻🍷🍸 so u should like it too ( coz its too boring - drinking alone, if u understand what i mean 😅😅😅) 
❗️The main and the only condition is that we will live in a hotel ( u must have moneys y for that💸) and sleep separately. 💑🙅🏻
I`m looking for u`r messages, bros.📩😋 
Lets spend this winter like last our winter.🤘🏼 (p.s Winter is coming😂😂😂)


Hallo to all who happened to be here!
First name: Alina
Second name: Guryeva

This topic has to help me find a company in which to work is a pleasure for me. If you`re looking for the perfect person in your friendly stuff my resume can be interesting for you.

I can be sociable, communicative and ready for fun, while on the other hand i can be very serious, thoughful and restless. I`m versatile, inquisitive, fun loving and wants to experience everything out there, so my company is never boring.

I`m skilful, inventive and very smart (:3), so my job has to be dynamic and challenging. However, i dont like repetitive tasks. I fing any career that offers ample opportunities to communicate and keeps me busy enought is excellent. I can also be great dealer. Creating new ideas and problem solving are areas in which i can shine in full splendor. 

Deciding between practicality and pleasure can be a difficult choice for me. Even  though i believe that money is  a necessary evil, but i will not spend much time thinking where to earn it.

If you are interested in my CV please contact me. I looking forward to your messages on my e-mail: shiayusi@gmail.com

Goodbye! :)

Suzanne Vega - Toms Diner ☔

Я сидела утречком В кафешке за углом И ждала за стойкой Пока нальют мне кофе Он налил мне лишь пол кружки Прежде чем я возмутилась, Он посмотрел в окно Как кто-то зашел. "Я всегда рад тебя видеть" - Сказал парень из-за стойки Девушке, которая зашла И встряхивает свой зонт. А я смотрю в другую сторону Поскольку они целуются у входа. Я делаю вид, что не вижу и, Наливая молоко. Я открываю газету: Там история актера Который умер, когда был пьян Я об этом слышу впервый раз. Я перехожу к гороскопам И ищу там что-нибудь смешное. Когда я почувствовала чей-то взгляд И я подняла голову. Это женщина снаружи Смотрит внутрь. Она видит меня? На самом деле не видит- Она смотрит на свое отражение. Я стараюсь не замечать, Что она поправляет свою юбку, И пока она подтягивает чулки, Ее волосы мокнут. Этот дождь будет лить Все утро, пока я слышу Звон церковных колоколов И вспоминаю твой голос. И наш полуночный пикник. .. Когда-то. . . Когда дождь еще не начался Допиваю свой кофе: Мне пора бежать на поезд.

💥Bang Bang My Baby Shot Me Down💥

Мне было пять, а ему было шесть.
Мы катались на деревянных лошадках.
Он был в черном, а я в белом.
И он всегда побеждал в боях.

💥Пиф-паф, он пристрелил меня.

💥Пиф-паф, я упала на землю.
💥Пиф-паф, о этот ужасный звук.
💥Пиф-паф, мой малыш пристрелил меня.

Годы шли, все изменилось,

Когда я выросла, то стала называть его моим,
А он всегда смеялся и отвечал:
"Помнишь как мы играли?"

💥Пиф-паф, я пристрелил тебя.

💥Пиф-паф, ты упала на землю.
💥Пиф-паф, о этот ужасный звук.
💥Пиф-паф, тогда я пристрелил тебя.

Звучала музыка, пели люди,

Специально для меня трезвонили церковные колокола.

Теперь его нет, я не знаю почему.

С тех пор я иногда плачу.
Он даже не попрощался,
Не попытался солгать.

💥Пиф-паф, он пристрелил меня.

💥Пиф-паф, я упала на землю.
💥Пиф-паф, о этот ужасный звук.
💥Пиф-паф, мой малыш пристрелил меня. . .💖

Ella Fitzgerald - Misty

Взгляни на меня. Я беспомощна, словно котенок на дереве. Я чувствую, будто зацепилась за облако. Не могу понять. Я растворяюсь, едва взяв тебя за руку. Я иду, И тысячи скрипок начинают играть в моей голове, Как только я слышу твое "привет". О эта музыка... Я растворяюсь, всякий раз кода ты рядом. Ты ведешь меня за собой, Но это все, что я хочу делать сейчас. Ты отдаешь себе отчет, как безнадежно я потеряна? Поэтому я следую за тобой. Я одна, Находясь в этой прекрасной стране чудес, Не отличаю правую ногу от левой, Мою шляпу от перчатки. Я просто растворяюсь, я влюблена. Растворяюсь И очень Влюблена.