среда, 12 октября 2016 г.


Today i completed 3 socionic tests( i should complete only 2 but 2nd test was very stupid C:) for understand my socionic type. I should also say that i passed similar tests be4, coz im rly interested in socionic for a long time.
Well, it was no rly easy for me this time, coz i feel myself like teenager whos dont understand himself ;\ I dont really like when someone cant understand me but much than that i dont like when i cant understand myself. 
I was absolutely sure that im ENTP( and im still sure), but tests said 'we dont care' :D
Let's start in order.
So 1st (http://socionictest.net/Default.aspx)  test on Rus lang was absolutely wrooong, it has rly stupid questions. For exaple question has 3 answer: 1 and 2 has some characteristics and 3 its 'skip question', so i cant answer 1 or 2 coz i have or havent both characteristics and then i press just 'skip skip skip'...It makes me rly sad, coz it looked like i dont understand myself :| So, results: ISFP (260), ESFP (245) and ESFJ (240). 1st litter "I"? Really? Its absolutely wrong - that all hat i can say ;\
Next test was on Eng lang (http://www.mba-institute.org/personality-test/Myers-Briggs-MBTI-Personality-Types.php?MBTI-Personality-Type=ESTP-Entrepreneur) And result: im ESTP - Entrepreneur. So this is closer to reality. The most correct paragraph is "ESTPs are strong in the art of living. They get a lot of fun out of life, which makes them good company They enjoy their material possessions and take the time to acquire them. They find much enjoyment in good food, clothes, music, and art. They enjoy physical exercise and sports, and usually are good at these." 
And the last test, that i passed was http://socionika.info/test.html I pass this test evert year for check changing. And i check it again today and my result is: ENTP( Дон Кихот) and i can say that this test said trueness much than 85%. So its true, its absolutely true, but i cant say more because i think that Internet its not the best place for publication of  correct test results. I dont want strangers reading this, know that I have inside. Its my position. I make the analyze of results in my head and i think its enough :)

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